Frequently Asked Questions

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Pixel Market is an online platform that offers pixel advertising spaces. You can purchase and own pixels on our grid to promote your business or website.

Simple! You can purchase blocks of pixels on our grid at a fixed price of 0.01 cents per pixel. Each pixel is clickable and can be linked to your website or landing page.

By purchasing pixels on Pixel Market, you will have a permanent space on our grid, visible to anyone who visits the site. It's a creative and visual way to promote your online presence.

Certainly! You can purchase as many pixel units as you like to create a larger, more visible representation of your promotion.

We currently accept payments via credit card, PayPal and other secure online payment methods.

Yes, our customer support team is available to answer your questions and resolve issues on business days.


Yes, we guarantee the security of transactions on our site. All sensitive data is encrypted and processed securely.

No, at the time of purchase the pixels become your property and are not refundable. We recommend that you consider your purchase carefully.

Yes, you can edit the content of your pixel (link and image) via your user account on Pixel Market.

Purchased pixels are permanent and will remain on the grid for as long as you want, unless you decide to remove them manually.

No, pixels are currently associated with the buyer's account and cannot be transferred.